Dreger: NYR actively talking to teams about becoming a 3rd party in a potential deal

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Proud to be American
Nov 27, 2018

Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
I have to think teams are gonna look for this loophole to be closed on the next CBA. You should not be able to cheat the cap system
It isn't really a loophole though and given the cap uncertainty, it is the only way for some teams to facilitate moves. I don't think any teams benefit from getting rid of this.

Currently, teams like Boston/NYR/Toronto get the benefit of extra cap relief, teams like the Wild get the benefit of extra assets for simply brokering a deal.

Bert Mckrakken

Registered User
Jul 23, 2021
I have to think teams are gonna look for this loophole to be closed on the next CBA. You should not be able to cheat the cap system

I feel the sitting of players for "Trade related reasons" is more detrimental to the game than teams facilitating trades by using cap space.
Plus can't you only retain on like 3 contracts at a time? So to me that means there is something in place so that its not abused, and is fair for everyone.


Posting the right way since 2012.
Sep 5, 2012
No problem with it at all. Underperforming teams with cap space accrue assets that will help them in the future, while top teams give away their future to profit in the present. It’s a win win, and helps level out the playing field eventually. It doesn’t go against the letter, or the spirit, of the cap system.

Using players in the playoffs that have been LTIR for the regular season is a different story. Clearly advantages teams who can afford to pay players that sit around all season.


Registered User
May 3, 2016
I have to think teams are gonna look for this loophole to be closed on the next CBA. You should not be able to cheat the cap system

have you seen the NBA trade deadline and how exciting it is for fans? We're over here losing our minds for Dmitry Orlov and you want to make it even tougher to move stars in the NHL than it already is? Boo this man.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2017
Ripley, Ont
I have to think teams are gonna look for this loophole to be closed on the next CBA. You should not be able to cheat the cap system
Nothing wrong with it. I have a bigger issue with sitting players for weeks on end pending trades and manipulation of the LTIR well before third teams eating 1 or 2 Mil for a 4th or 5th pick to assist in a trade.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
No problem with it at all. Underperforming teams with cap space accrue assets that will help them in the future, while top teams give away their future to profit in the present. It’s a win win, and helps level out the playing field eventually. It doesn’t go against the letter, or the spirit, of the cap system.

Using players in the playoffs that have been LTIR for the regular season is a different story. Clearly advantages teams who can afford to pay players that sit around all season.
All of that. And it's also fun to watch. There would be fewer trades done without it, it makes things more interesting. Leave it be.

Peter Griffin

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Feb 13, 2003
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I assume Rangers need someone to retain 25% of Kane’s contract which with my rough calculations would be about $200k in actual cash for the retaining team. Minnesota got 4th and 5th round picks for around $75K so I would expect any team retaining on Kane to get around a 3rd.
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Jan 23, 2015
I assume Rangers need someone to retain 25% of Kane’s contract which with my rough calculations would be about $200k in actual cash for the retaining team. Minnesota got 4th and 5th round picks for around $75K so I would expect any team retaining on Kane to get around a 3rd.
Around $170k in real cash. I still think a 4th would get it done


Registered User
Oct 5, 2005
In theory, but in reality it hasn't worked out that way.
That’s why it should just be dumped or tweeted. Same as MLB luxury tax is useless since owners of teams like Oakland and Kansas City just pocket the money anyway


Registered User
Feb 18, 2012
I have to think teams are gonna look for this loophole to be closed on the next CBA. You should not be able to cheat the cap system
I’ve never understood this line of thinking. It’s a creative way to utilize a resource (cap space) fully within the rules. There are a certain number of retention spots, and a set value amount for each team. How teams allocate those resources is up to them. This is not cheating in any way, and certainly was considered in the previous CBA.
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